Cancellation Policy

My plans might change, until when I can cancel and get a full refund ?

You can get a full refund until Feb 29, 2024. 

Can I get a refund after the cancellation deadline, if I find a replacement myself ?

After the cancellation deadline of Feb 29, 2024 and until April 15, you can find other people to take your spot. Once they register, we will refund your registration fee, after deducting the $25 transfer fee per person. Please email us at when you have found a person to take your spot, we will be able to calculate and tell you the exact refund amount. 

My plans changed. Can I transfer my registration to someone else ?

Yes, you can, for a transfer fee of $25 per person. If you (transferor) have reserved with the accommodation option, the person to whom you are transferring to (transferee), will be in the same room. The transferee will need to register in the Sadhu Sanga mobile app and make the payment using a custom payment link that we will be sending. Once we receive the payment, we will refund the transferor after deducting the transfer fees. This transfer is allowed until April 15.