Dear Devotees, Hare Krishna
As you all know the most amazing Sadhu Sanga Kirtan event is happening in Dallas on Memorial Day weekend! This year is very special as it is our dear Radha Kalachandji’s 50th year Anniversary. Radha Kalachandji are among the most beautiful deities in entire ISKCON and, for more than 50 years, Kalachandji has been blessings devotees!
This is also the 10th anniversary of Sadhu Sanga Retreat. If you didn’t know, the birth place of Sadhu Sanga Retreat is Radha Kalachandji Dham!
It’s our fortune to offer our humble services to 3000 plus devotees – almost 27000 plates of prasadam. On-behalf of our dear Radha Kalachandji deities and Srila Prabhupada I would like to match every dollar donation to Sadhu Sanga divine celebration upto 25000 dollars.
If we can have 25 devotees 1000 each, we can give 50k as its 50th anniversary of Radha Kalachandji!
What could be a better way to celebrate Radha Kalachandji’s 50th Anniversary with HH Indradyumna Swami Gurudev, HH Giriraj Maharaj Gurudev, HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj Gurudev, HH Jayapataka Swami Gurudev and over 40 Srila Prabhupad disciples, amazing Kirtaneers from around the world.
This invitation is especially for Dallas devotees to take up this amazing service opportunity, others are welcome too!
Thank you so much for your generous consideration to this once in a life time celebration in Dallas! Great Milestone in the service of Srila Prabhupada!
Sadhu Sanga ki jai!!!!